
Owner Pricing

One Off charges

Advertise Your Rental Property on multiple portals.
Advertise on RealRenta.com.au, Domain.com.au, Rent.com.au, Homely.com.au, Inspectrealestate.com.au for free.
Advertise on Realestate.com.au for Standard Ad: $49, Featured Ad: $249, Highlighted Ad: $329.
Standard ad on Realestate.com.au is $29 for Paid/Managed properties.
Tenant Checks
We can check your tenants on bad tenant databases: Bad tenant check $25 or Full tenant check $67.
Moving House
Make your moving house easy and stress free, connect all your utilities with one simple and convenient FREE process. Select which services you'd like us to help with, complete your details and one of our friendly staff will be in contact within 2 business hours.
Click Here to make your moving house easy and stress free.

Free Version

You can now use RealRenta for free. No payment system and no Notifications to tenants about arrears.
Your account automatically turns to the free version after your free "up to 2-month" trial.

Paid Monthly Accounts Include:

Discounted adverts: $29 on Realestate.com.au

  • SMS Alerts
  • Direct Debit Payments
  • Bpay Payments
  • Maintenance Alerts
  • Manual Payments
  • Cloud based
  • Email Notifications
  • Automated Arrears
  • Tenant Portal
  • Inspection Alerts
  • Rent Tracking
  • Personal RealRenta Guide
Per Property$39/ month$27/ month$10/ month
Monthly Fee$39 / month$54 / monthE.g. 3 properties - $64 / month
4 properties - $74 / month

Try RealRenta Free for up to 2 Months

Start your free, fully functional up to 2 month trial. No commitment, cancel anytime - No credit card required.

Paid accounts are only required for property owners. Tenant accounts are free

Frequently Asked Questions

How does the 1-month free trial work?

When you sign up, you are automatically enrolled in an up to 2 month free trial that gives you unrestricted access to all the great features Real Renta has to offer. During your trial, you have the option to cancel at any time. You can choose to enter your payment details at any time during your free trial to continue the service after the free trial has ended.

Do I have to provide payment information up front?

No, payment information is not required when you signup. At the end of the trial, we will send you an email to remind you to submit payment information, and you can choose if and how you want to pay.

Do I have to sign a long-term contract?

No, there are no contracts.

Do your prices inclde GST?

All prices include GST and are in Australian Dollars (AUD).

What if I want to cancel my account?

No problem, you can cancel your account at any time.

How do you calculate the amount I am billed each month?

We bill every month on the 1st of the month for the number of active properties you have in your account.

What payment options are available?

We accept Visa, Mastercard, and American Express for automatic payments.