
Ways to get your tenant to pay more rent - 3

It’s no secret that the rental market in some parts of the country is sluggish.


But just because some areas are performing below average it doesn’t mean that investors can’t achieve rental growth.

The truth of the matter is that you can manufacture higher rents no matter what the market is doing.

Don’t believe me?

Well, let’s take a look at some of the strategies to get your tenant to pay more rent.

Security matters

Every rental property must have certain security features like door and window locks.

But providing extra things like sensor lighting and security screens can help increase the rent you can charge as well.

Tenants want to feel safe in their homes, so by providing additional security features– either proactively or reactively – your tenant will recognise that you care about their safety.

In return, they are likely to pay more for the property and may well call the property home for a longer period as well.

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Jason Gwerder
Wednesday, 10 March 2021

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