
Reasons to leave your lender

Just like any long-term relationship, your partnership with your bank, may be getting a bit stale.

Here are 4 signs that you should probably be looking for a new lender:

·        Are your ongoing payments creeping up?

·        Have your circumstances changes ( family has grown, divorce etc)?

·        Are you on variable rates and sick of the uncertainty?

·        Does your bank/lender provide good customer service when you need them?

·        Do you want to grow or change your property portfolio?

·        Is your lender "property investment friendly”?

·        Are the interest rates too high with your current lender?

·        Does your current lender penalize you for making extra payments on your loan?

·        Do you want to consolidate all your debts?


Need to refinance?

Contact us @ propertyloans@realrenta.com


Marlene Liontis & Jason Gwerder
Tuesday, 28 January 2020

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