
What to do if your tenant starts falling behind in rent – Tip 4

Document conversations

You need to document all these conversations because you might need to refer back to them if you have to go to Tribunal or make an insurance claim later on.

I find it easiest to send them a very quick message in RealRenta (or an email) after our conversation that might go something like this:

Hi Jo,

As discussed on the phone today. You will pay $500 tomorrow and a further $500 on Monday the 21st.

Sorry to hear about your Grandma passing.



Notice how I have mentioned the 3 questions I asked them on the phone.

The Tribunal always asks why the tenant was behind.

Seriously! Why does it matter – THEY ARE LATE!

Note: Don’t ever speak back to the Tribunal member. :)

Check out the next blogs on What to do if your tenant starts falling behind in rent


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Jason Gwerder
Wednesday, 2 September 2020

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