
What types of suburbs make the most money for investors?

Suburbs comprising of larger average land sizes are currently achieving stronger value changes and milder declines, according to new research from CoreLogic.

Cameron Kusher, research principal from CoreLogic says: "As new development increasingly moves towards higher densities and smaller lot sizes for houses, large housing lots are likely to continue to be highly desirable, the desirability won’t be only for more space, but also where the potential for future sub-division may exist.”

When looking for properties with bigger blocks, look for:

• Established suburbs

• Suburbs with established infrastructure

• Look for properties near public transport

• Properties with large backyards so that you can sub-divide for profit.


Contact us @ propertyloans@realrenta.com if you are looking for your next property loan.

Marlene Liontis
Saturday, 23 March 2019

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