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RealRenta Tenant Portal - Free for Tenants
Tenants have access to their own system, where they can search for properties, apply for a property, pay rent, view their rental ledger and documents and even put in maintenance requests.
Tenants’ Rights
Tenants don’t always know their rights and what they can or can’t do.
RealRenta gives them access to information, documents and even breach notices, when maintenance is not done by the landlord.
Tenancy Application
Tenants can login at any time and start, edit, add or change their application. and can apply for a property or multiple properties, without having to redo the application each time.
Easy Payment Process
RealRenta provides the convenience of multiple rental payment options.
Rent can be paid at the push of a button by Authorised Direct Debit, or set up as an auto payment without going to the bank.
Rent can also be paid by Bpay.
Manage Inspections
RealRenta will inform tenants when an inspection is due or requested by the owner.
Our system will allow the tenant to choose a convenient date and time for the inspection.
Search And Apply For Properties
Via RealRenta web site or using a phone with internet access.
Not only can a prospective tenant see photos of the property, saving time, but they can also apply for multiple properties with one click, making the process of applying for rentals much simpler.
Easily Accessed
RealRenta is online and open 24/7. Tenants can access and print their tenancy agreement, rental ledger, rent Invoices, rental receipts and inspection reports.
RealRenta provides access to comprehensive information in relation to the legal rights and obligations of a Tenant.
RealRenta guides renters through the process of terminating their rental agreement and provide tenants with legal support and access to all residential tenancy documents.
Book Maintenance And Repairs
Tenants are able to attach pictures and video to their maintenance request – pictures tell a thousand words.
Displays if a tenant has paid rent or not, requested maintenance, rental Ledger.
Tenants sign up for Free here:
Jason Gwerder
Tuesday, 28 April 2020
Real Estate
Interest Rates
Property Management
Loans and Mortgages
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The property market is forgiving
Property can make you rich
The government wants you to be a property investor
Property can be more predictable
Properties have more leverage
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Property gives consistent, solid growth
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Critical steps for property investors - Don’t buy sight unseen – ever
Critical steps for property investors - Don’t scrimp on insurance
Critical steps for property investors - Delegate the work to competent people
Critical steps for property investors - Take your time when making decisions
Critical steps for property investors - Buy the right property
Critical steps for property investors - Be realistic about your costs
Critical steps for property investors - Do your research
Critical steps for property investors - Educate yourself
Critical steps to success for new property investors
Fear of making the wrong choice
Fear of going broke
Fear of Fudging the Numbers
Fear of Being Inexperienced or Unintelligent
Fears That Stop Us Investing - Fear of Being Swindled
Fears That Stop Us Investing - Fear of Failure
Now What - Condition Report and Inventory List
Photos and Video
Inventory List
Condition Report Written Template
Condition Report that is Argument Proof
Approve your Tenant & Lock 'em in Quick!!
Follow your GUT Instinct
Check your tenants on the National Tenancy Database
Calling ALL the References
Get your Mindset Right
Shortlist Tenant & Get Proof of Income
Make Sure You Have Good Application Forms Ready
Use the Inspection to Get to Know Your Potential Tenants
Act Promptly to all Enquiries – GOOD Tenants won't Muck Around
Advertise your Property
Here’s 5 quick tips for taking your own photos
Get Good Photos
Pricing to Attract Tenants
Prepare Your Property to Impress
The Right House for the Right Tenants
Most Important is to stay Encouraged
Don’t try doing it on your own
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What kind of strategy can older people use
Risk minimisation for investors starting later in life
The 3 Phases of developing financial freedom
The hurdles can be higher when you’re older
Am I too old to invest in property
Sharpen the Saw
Seek first to understand and then to be understood
Think win-win
Put first things first
Begin with the end in mind
QLD New Rental Laws – A Must Read - Part 5
QLD New Rental Laws – A Must Read - Part 4
QLD New Rental Laws – A Must Read - Part 3
QLD New Rental Laws - A Must Read - Part 2
QLD New Rental Laws – A Must Read
Be proactive
Don’t Speculate or Forget the People Who Matter
Don’t dodge Responsibilities or Ignore Problems
What Property Investors Shouldn’t Do – give others the power
What Property Investors Shouldn’t Do – Don’t Waste Their Time Worrying
What Property Investors Shouldn’t do – They don’t wait
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I think I’ve fallen victim to a property scam, what do I do now
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Renovation Projects – Obtaining the necessary finance
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Renovation Projects – How do you find ‘the one
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Renovation Project - Why are you doing it
Housing values continue to rise
Higher services inflation remains a focus for the RBA
Rates on hold, next move likely to be down
In the meantime, shop around
Keep calm and carry on
Should I buy property now or wait for interest rates to fall?
Property versus shares
Are Interest Rates going to come down
Consumer Confidence
Skyrocketing Rents With Low Levels Of Stock
Interest Rates Are Near Their Peak
Strong Australian Economy
A mismatch of supply vs demand
You can always beat the averages
Good year in property for 2024
Most Forgiving
You Can Add Value
You Are In Control
You Can Buy It With Someone Else's Money
Consistent Capital Growth
Income That Grows
Security in Property
Anyone Can Do It
More Millionaires
So what can RealRenta do for you?
What are the different types of locations
You should have a plan B
What if cash flow is not enough
Why is investing more generally effective than debt reduction
What is the priority: repaying your home loan or investing
What works now vs what has always worked
The best investment property for this new property cycle
Don’t be afraid to negotiate and if necessary, walk away
Try before you buy
Plan for the future
Work out what you’re prepared to compromise on
Look for potential, not perfection
Shop within your means
Obtain pre-approval
Account for every expense
Get a handle on what you can afford
Reasons property values increase in the long term – The Wealth of the Nation
Reasons property values increase in the long term – Future Population Growth
Reasons property values increase in the long term - Demographics
Remember the property cycle
Structural shifts in Property
What’s ahead for the Australian property market
You need to plan your financial future
The Bottom Line
A Big Mistake
Try Cutting Costs
Property Finance
Property and the New World Order
What price would you be willing to pay, to become a successful property investor
Demographics drive markets
Location does the heavy lifting
Don’t believe the hype
Not every property is investment grade
Adopt a proven investment strategy
Become financially fluent.
Family trust mistakes - ASSET PROTECTION ISSUES
Family trust mistakes - TRUST LOSS LESSONS
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What are the benefits of a family trust
Steps to setting up a family trust
Family Trust - What does it cost to set up
What is an Australian Family Trust
You Should Set Up a Family Trust
Allow for an X factor
Don’t focus on bargains — they rarely have a future
Follow the 6 Stranded Strategic Approach
The economy and our property markets move in cycles
Investing is a game of finance
Demographics drive markets
QLD - Stage 2 rental law reform
Location does the heavy lifting
Don’t believe the hype
Not every property is investment grade
Adopt a proven investment strategy
Become financially fluent
The Reserve Bank has increased the cash rate to 3.85%
Typical steps involved to refinance – SUBMIT A DISCHARGE AUTHORITY
Typical steps involved to refinance – Speak to your lender
When to start considering your loan options
Consider your whole portfolio: some questions to ask yourself
Interest-Only Term Expiry
When their fixed rate terms expire
Don’t waste your time worrying
There are always risks associated with investing
Having the right mindset is critical to investment success.
Treat your property investments like a business
You will never get rich from earned income or savings
Any property can become an investment property
Timing the property market is just too hard
Don’t listen to whom most property investors listen too
No one really knows
Never listen to others that are not where you want to be
Successful investors have a long-term strategy
At times of poor or no capital growth
Look at what has always worked
Property investment is risky in the short term
There are multiple property markets in Australia.
Every year we get hit by an X factor
Market Movements are far from an Exact Science
The Ups and Downs
The economy and our property markets
If you get knocked down, get up again
Most things you fear will never happen
The biggest risk is not doing anything
Successful investors take action
Having the right mindset is critical to investment success
Diversification is for people who don’t know how to invest
Treat your property investments like a business
Don’t do what most property investors do
You will never get rich from earned income or savings
There are 4 ways you make money out of a property
Don’t rely entirely on property data
Any property can become an investment property
Investment Property Lessons Learned – 17
Investment Property Lessons Learned – 16
Investment Property Lessons Learned – 15
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Investment Property Lessons Learned – 13
Investment Property Lessons Learned – 12
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Investment Property Lessons Learned – 1
Latest cash rate decision further fuels the financial fire
Qld landlords urged to opt into head leasing initiative
Granny flats a go as Qld aims to ease leasing pressure
Fees, you don’t want to pay - The buying with emotion
Fee’s, you don’t want to pay - The I got eaten by a shark
Fees, you don’t want to pay - The renovation reality
Fees, you don’t want to pay - The "capital non-growth"
Fee you don’t want to pay - The "Oops, I bought the wrong property”
Are we nearing the peak of the interest rate cycle?
Scammers pirating legitimate rental home ads for fraudulent listings
Sunshine State scams
Thinking you're covered by LMI
I haven't maxed out my credit cards, so I should be safe
I can get finance for any property I buy
I can get finance for any property I buy
It's the lender's fault if I can't make the repayments on my property investment loan
You don't necessarily have to save a deposit if the family chips in
Thinking a big bank will give you more bang for your bucks in your property investment loan
Believing the best deal will be made through a bank
Do I need to wear my Sunday best to secure a loan
Don’t get caught not counting the true cost
Don’t Get too fixed on your loan
Don’t get caught up in the razzle-dazzle of the lowest rate
Home and contents vs landlord insurance
The Queensland land tax grab could hurt investors and renters
How to choose an investment which outperforms market averages?
Strata Community Regulations for Major Renovations
Strata Community Approval Process for Minor Renovations
Living In a Strata Community: The Renovation Process
The 'wealth effect' explained
Reasons property values increase in the long term
What causes property values to increase - Short Term
Property Downturn phase of the cycle in 2022
The property boom of 2020-21
How does a property cycle work?
The reality of sifting through 30 to 60 rental applications
A Perfect storm leaves regional renters out to dry
Work with tenants to address repairs or pay the price: WA watchdog
REIQ: Latest law reforms could lead to Qld investor exodus
RBA rate rises won't result in a sharp market downturn
The mould management minefield
Who covers relocation costs – the tenant or landlord
What is a capital expense and can you claim it at tax time?
What you CAN’T claim on your tax
Top deductions for investment properties in Australia part 3
Top deductions for investment properties in Australia part 2
Top deductions for investment properties in Australia part 1
How does owning an investment property affect taxes
When Should I Start Advertising My Rental Property?
What’s ahead for tenants?
Why is supply so limited for tenants?
It’s tough out there for tenants with rising rentals
What if my financial circumstances change?
Am I approaching this as an investor or am I emotionally involved?
Will my cash flow service my finance requirements?
Have I set up the right ownership structures
Do I have a solid finance strategy
Do I have my finance pre-approved
Where am I getting my data, information, facts, and figures from
What is the property worth
Investment grade property
Are you looking to buy property on the Gold Coast, QLD
Before buying your next investment property - Does this property fit into my long-term strategy
STEPS FOR RENOVATION - Rent out, revalue and repeat
STEPS FOR RENOVATION - Finally, it’s the little things
STEPS FOR RENOVATION - Kitchen and bathroom
STEPS FOR RENOVATION - Work out your limitations
STEPS FOR RENOVATION - Do your research
STEPS FOR RENOVATION - Get council or body corporate approval
Property markets go through cycles
Signs you should fire your property manager - Terrible taste
Signs you should fire your property manager - Monthly Report
Signs you should fire your property manager – Inspect Regularly
Signs you should fire your property manager - Charges
Signs you should fire your property manager - They’re quiet… too quiet
What is a property appraisal?
What is a property valuation?
Don’t wait for the perfect property
Can you improve your property valuation?
Follow expert advice, not trends
Build your own dream team
Don’t believe everything the selling agent tells you
Look beyond your backyard
Don’t fall in love with a property
It’s essential to factor in unexpected costs
You need to focus on your finance first
There’s always some kind of trade-off
Tips For Young Property Investors – Location & property considerations
Tips For Young Property Investors – Plan for contingencies
Tips For Young Property Investors – Demonstrate financial discipline
Tips For Young Property Investors – Pre-approval
Tips For Young Property Investors – Shop around for a competitive loan
Tips For Young Property Investors – Consider borrowing options
Tips For Young Property Investors – Consider a family guarantee
Tips For Young Property Investors – Save early
Tips For Young Property Investors - Seek advice
Tips For Young Property Investors - Educate yourself
Your Budget when buying property
The property market moves in cycles
Understand where the risk really lies
Surround yourself with a great team
Demographics hold the key
Buy properties that will be in continuous strong demand
Land appreciates
Property is a high growth low yield investment
It’s about the property
They invest, not speculate
They take a long-term perspective.
Criminal element
I’ll sue! - See you in court
Insurance for Water Damage
Weather woes & insurance
Tenants when Accidents happen
Tenants Not paying and not leaving
No one needs insurance — until they do!
Landlord insurance is a wise investment.
Property investment lessons Part 8
Property investment lessons Part 7
Property Investment lessons Part 6
Property investment lessons Part 5
Property investment lessons Part 4
Property investment lessons Part 3
Property investment lessons Part 2
Property investment lessons Part 1
Here’s something you could guarantee will happen in 2022
Property trends we can expect in 2022 - More property investors will return to the market
Property trends we can expect in 2022 - A fight for quality
APRA is likely to tighten its macro-prudential measures in 2022
Property trends we can expect in 2022 - The “official” interest rate will remain unchanged
Property trends we can expect in 2022 - Our economy will pick up
Property trends we can expect in 2022 - We’re in for a 2-tier property market moving forward
Property trends we can expect in 2022 - Property values will continue rising
Things to know before buying your first property – Don’t wait for the perfect property
Things to know before buying your first property – Follow expert advice, not trends
Things to know before buying your first property – Build your own dream team
Things to know before buying your first property – Don’t believe everything the selling agent tells you
Things to know before buying your first property – Look beyond your backyard
Things to know before buying your first property – Don’t fall in love
Things to know before buying your first property - unexpected costs
Things to know before buying your first property - Finance first
Things to know before buying your first property - trade-off
ANZ, has hiked its fixed rates for the second time in the last few weeks
The great Australian dream of homeownership is still alive and well
How investors end up in ‘mortgage prison’
Good Reasons to Start Investing at A Young Age – 4
Good Reasons to Start Investing at A Young Age – 3
Good Reasons to Start Investing at A Young Age – 2
Good Reasons to Start Investing at A Young Age - 1
Questions to ask before selling your investment property - 3
Questions to ask before selling your investment property - 2
Questions to ask before selling your investment property - 1
What property investors will be doing in 2022
How the new 3% mortgage stress test will affect property buyers from 1st November 2021
Big mistakes first home buyers must avoid – 4
Big mistakes first home buyers must avoid – 3
Big mistakes first home buyers must avoid - 2
Big mistakes first home buyers must avoid - 1
Steps to take when your tenant gives notice to vacate
When a tenant vacates your property, it’s important to understand your rights
A simple, but significant change to the lending rules
Rent – it’s the basis of the whole landlord-tenant relationship
How important is it to visit interstate property?
Two main things to consider when buying property interstate
The pros & cons of buying property interstate
When should I consider buying property interstate?
Landlord-tenant law
Do you need rental property insurance if you have homeowners insurance?
Types of rental property insurance policies
Rental Property Insurance: Who Needs it and What Does it Cover?
Property investors want more control over receipt of rental payments
Queensland property nation’s fastest-growing state
House prices in popular school zones soar as much as 46%
Rental Property Inspection – The Ultimate Checklist
Rental Property Inspection – Final Thoughts
Don’ts of Landlord Inspections
Do’s of Landlord Inspections:
Landlord Inspections: Inspections when and why
How to Perform a Rental Property Inspection - Do's and Don'ts
Rental Property Inspection – Types of Inspections
Rental Property Inspection – What are they
What about Rentvesting?
Your first action is to start saving today, even if you’re not sure when you’ll buy
But if you can’t afford to buy your own home in your desired area, what do you do?
Delay buying your first home is putting you at huge risk of being a long-term renter
Lethal Mistakes to Avoid on Your 1st Property - You don’t have reliable, affordable contractors
Lethal Mistakes to Avoid on Your 1st Property - A poor (or worse, no) investing strategy
Lethal Mistakes to Avoid on Your 1st Property - Not accounting for maintenance and repairs
Lethal Mistakes to Avoid on Your 1st Property - Misjudging the rental market
Lethal Mistakes to Avoid on Your 1st Property - You haven’t researched the location
Lethal Mistakes to Avoid on Your 1st Property - Scrimping on the details of your finance
Lethal Mistakes to Avoid on Your 1st Property - Not knowing your target market
Lethal Mistakes to Avoid on Your 1st Property - Buying with your heart, not your head
Australian homeowners are holding onto their properties for longer than ever
NSW cans strata building pet bans
Tenants and landlords asked to work together in lockdown
Homeownership is the great Australian dream, but it’s also a ticket to financial success
People often ask what type of property they should buy
Teach yourself
Property Investment Stages – Moving towards a financial objective
Property Investment Stages – Sticking to a winning formula
Property Investment Stages - Learning what NOT to do
Fuel kids inner entrepreneur
Help kids separate ‘needs’ from ‘wants’
Give kids a financial role model
Teach kids the value of saving
Ways to teach your kids about money, according to Warren Buffett
Superannuation doesn’t form part of your will
Property investors – the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has put you on notice.
Good Investing is Boring
RBA makes cash rate call for August
What you need to know before renting out your home
Things to know about commercial leases – Additional costs
Things to know about commercial leases – Fit-out and make-good costs
Things to know about commercial leases – Rent reviews
Things to know about commercial leases - Retail or not
Lockdown bank relief: what’s on offer for you?
More than 1 in 3 Aussie properties cheaper to buy than rent
A late start hasn’t stopped this couple from doubling their investment portfolio in just 4 years
Steps to success for new property investors - Don’t scrimp on insurance
Steps to success for new property investors - Take your time when making decisions
Steps to success for new property investors - Buy the right property
Steps to success for new property investors - Be realistic about your costs
Steps to success for new property investors - Do your research
Ways to minimise your risks - Buying properties with “owner-occupier” appeal
Ways to minimise your risks - Taking note of supply and demand.
Ways to minimise your risks - Tailoring your investment
How to overcome the biggest fear of beginning property investors
Is now the right time to lock in record-low rates?
Property investors may cop a hit this tax time, accountants warn
Repairs or Renovation - Not all is lost
Repairs or Renovation - Intention, Design and Materials
Repairs or Renovation - Improvement or repair?
Repairs or Renovation – Maintenance what type of work does this cover?
Repairs or Renovation - The rule of wear and tear
Questions a Lender Will Ask You and What You Should Prepare For - What deposit do you have?
Questions a Lender Will Ask You and What You Should Prepare For - How much do you spend?
Questions a Lender Will Ask You and What You Should Prepare For - How much do you earn?
Why you shouldn’t invest in shiny new houses or apartments – Part 5
Why you shouldn’t invest in shiny new houses or apartments – Part 4
Why you shouldn’t invest in shiny new houses or apartments – Part 3
Why you shouldn’t invest in shiny new houses or apartments – Part 2
Why you shouldn’t invest in shiny new houses or apartments – Part 1
Some Don’ts If You Want To maximise your rent
Mod cons & A good tenant can maximise your rent
Include garden maintenance & Consider Pets to maximise your rent
Set a rent at 95% of the market to Maximise your Rent
Longer leases & Minimise vacancies to maximise your rent
Refresh your Property to maximise your rent
Tighter lending policy due in 1H 2022
Why is it wrong to invest for income?
How landlord insurance plays a part
This is what you shouldn’t do
How does this whole situation impact landlord insurance?
What happens if the tenant catches up on rent?
What should I include on a breach notice?
My tenants are behind in rent – what should I do?
When a tenant signs a rental agreement, they are ultimately agreeing to the rules set out on the lease.
What makes real estate so valuable - 6
What makes real estate so valuable - 5
What makes real estate so valuable - 4
What makes real estate so valuable - 3
What makes real estate so valuable - 2
What makes real estate so valuable - 1
Ways landlords can find a tenant in a tough rental market – 5
Ways landlords can find a tenant in a tough rental market – 4
Ways landlords can find a tenant in a tough rental market - 3
Ways landlords can find a tenant in a tough rental market - 2
Ways landlords can find a tenant in a tough rental market - 1
How to keep your first property as an investment and why most home owners don’t do it
Common mistakes when buying an investment property in an SMSF–Tip 6
Common mistakes when buying an investment property in an SMSF–Tip 5
Common mistakes when buying an investment property in an SMSF–Tip 4
Common mistakes when buying an investment property in an SMSF–Tip 3
Common mistakes when buying an investment property in an SMSF–Tip 2
Common mistakes when buying an investment property in an SMSF–Tip 1
There are new rent rules for Victorian tenants and landlords - 5
There are new rent rules for Victorian tenants and landlords - 4
There are new rent rules for Victorian tenants and landlords - 3
There are new rent rules for Victorian tenants and landlords - 2
There are new rent rules for Victorian tenants and landlords.
Building a true property investment business – Tip 2
Building a true property investment business - tip 1
The Rules of Property have changed - Part 2
The Rules for Property have changed
How to be a good landlord
Washing and cleaning vehicles on common property
Common tenant complaints - Damage to Common Areas
Common tenant complaints - Smoking
Common tenant complaints - Odour
Common tenant complaints - Immoral and Improper Use of a Dwelling
Common tenant complaints - Noise
Common tenant complaints - Animals
Common tenant complaints - Maintenance and Upkeep of Building
Common tenant complaints - Parking
Common tenant complaints - Landscaping
Common tenant complaints - Children
Pet ban in NSW apartments set to lift with the passing of new laws
Make Sure to Document Everything
How does debt recycling work?
What exactly is debt recycling?
Not all debt is bad debt
How to earn money from your debt
Ways to get your tenant to pay more rent - 5
Ways to get your tenant to pay more rent - 4
Ways to get your tenant to pay more rent - 3
Ways to get your tenant to pay more rent - 2
Ways to get your tenant to pay more rent - 1
Retirement planning — more than owning your home
Risks of selling to a tenant
Why sell to a tenant?
Selling Your Property To A Tenant
How do I end the tenancy – ACT & NT
How do I end the tenancy – SA & TAS
How do I end the tenancy – QLD & WA
How do I end the tenancy – NSW & VIC
How do I end the tenancy?
What are your landlord rights when your tenant stops paying rent?
When can I increase the rent?
Landlord rights regarding Repairs & maintenance
When can a landlord visit their property
Responsibilities of the landlord to the tenant
Landlord Rights and Responsibilities – Utility and service charges
Landlord Rights and Responsibilities – The Rent
Landlord Rights and Responsibilities - The Bond
Landlord Rights and Responsibilities - How do you choose a tenant
Property stakeholders often feel a little nervous about a bank valuer visiting
Should you consider buying with a friend?
How to Diversify Your Real Estate Investments
How to defend your property against adverse effects
ACCC pressures lenders to change their home loan game
RBA makes first cash rate call of the year
VIC Residential Tenancies Regulations 2021 now live
Property Management Tip – Have good help
Property Management Tip – Don’t make it personal
Property Management Tip - Stay on top of rent reviews
Property Management Tip - Keep your property pristine
Property Management Tip - Be Business Minded
Things I wish I’d known about property managers
Rules for successful property investing – Rule 11
Rules for successful property investing – Rule 10
Rules for successful property investing – Rule 9
Rules for successful property investing – Rule 8
Rules for successful property investing – Rule 7
Rules for successful property investing – Rule 6
Rules for successful property investing – Rule 5
Rules for successful property investing – Rule 4
Rules for successful property investing – Rule 3
Rules for successful property investing – Rule 2
Rules for successful property investing – Rule 1
Building a moat: How to defend your property against adverse effects
How retirees are using their home for money
When will Australia crack the $1m median house price?
Merry Christmas
Buying a Property - Useful tips
Buying a Property - Making an Offer
Buying a Property - Preparing to Buy
Buying a Property - Property Resources
Buying a Property – Choosing a Property
Post-recession pattern: How prices will rise in the next 5 years
Top five reasons to refinance
How to buy prior to auction day
Common mistakes property investors make
What makes a good investment property?
What type of tenancy agreement should I use?
What you need to know about rental Bonds Tip 9
What you need to know about rental Bonds Tip 8
What you need to know about rental Bonds Tip 7
What you need to know about rental Bonds Tip 6
What you need to know about rental Bonds Tip 5
What you need to know about rental Bonds Tip 4
What you need to know about rental Bonds Tip 3
What you need to know about rental Bonds Tip 2
What you need to know about rental Bonds Tip 1
What you need to know about rental Bonds
Emotions run high as renters struggle to find a home
Are you a Company Director, Then you better understand this
The most common tenant complaints - When an Owner or Tenant Complains
The most common tenant complaints - TYPES OF CONTRAVENTION NOTICES
The most common tenant complaints - How are By-Laws Enforced?
The most common tenant complaints - How to Resolve a Dispute
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Aussies see now as the best time to buy an investment property
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Avoiding Capital Gains Tax
COVID property boom could push QLD home prices up 20%
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Renters are finding it easier to make their rental payments
Win For Pet Owners In NSW
Looking to buy Investment properties
What can RealRenta do for you?
This is going to underpin the rebound in our property markets in 2021.
How a portfolio can survive a relationship breakdown
Rental moratorium extension to create ‘perfect storm’ for mum and dad investors
Virtual inspection trap triggers warning
The Fears landlords have about Property Managers
Add Value to Your Home with a Spring Cleaning
How to evict your tenant for not paying rent – Tip 8
How to evict your tenant for not paying rent – Tip 7
How to evict your tenant for not paying rent – Tip 6
How to evict your tenant for not paying rent – Tip 5
How to evict your tenant for not paying rent – Tip 4
How to evict your tenant for not paying rent – Tip 3
How to evict your tenant for not paying rent – Tip 2
How to evict your tenant for not paying rent – Tip 1
What to do if your tenant starts falling behind in rent – Tip 6
What to do if your tenant starts falling behind in rent – Tip 5
What to do if your tenant starts falling behind in rent – Tip 4
What to do if your tenant starts falling behind in rent – Tip 3
What to do if your tenant starts falling behind in rent – Tip 2
What to do if your tenant starts falling behind in rent – Tip 1
How to prevent your tenant from falling behind in rent – Tip 7
How to prevent your tenant from falling behind in rent – Tip 6
How to prevent your tenant from falling behind in rent – Tip 5
How to prevent your tenant from falling behind in rent – Tip 4
How to prevent your tenant from falling behind in rent – Tip 3
How to prevent your tenant from falling behind in rent – Tip 2
How to prevent your tenant from falling behind in rent - Tip 1
Why Excel is bad for your business
Why it pays to have a principal and interest loan
Your property listing hot tips to win a good tenant – 5
Your property listing hot tips to win a good tenant – 4
Your property listing hot tips to win a good tenant – 3
Your property listing hot tips to win a good tenant – 2
Your property listing hot tips to win a good tenant – 1
Is Increasing property cashflow is the best option
Pets in properties: What you need to know
Good Reasons to Consider Being Pet Friendly
NSW abolishes stamp duty for homes under $800k
#DIY #Property Management – What are the fundamentals?
Most successful property investors have a number of tools - Tool 10
Most successful property investors have a number of tools - Tool 9
Most successful property investors have a number of tools - Tool 8
Most successful property investors have a number of tools - Tool 7
Most successful property investors have a number of tools - Tool 6
Most successful property investors have a number of tools - Tool 5
Most successful property investors have a number of tools - Tool 4
Most successful property investors have a number of tools - Tool 3
Most successful property investors have a number of tools - Tool 2
Most successful property investors have a number of tools - Tool 1
How to calculate the rental bond for a lease
Emergency repair tips for landlords
Dealing with a drop in rental yield
RBA Reveals July 2020 Cash Call
What landlords need to know about gas heaters and fire places
How much can you rent your property for
Why are you still paying property management fees?
Bellbird | House & Land | Hunter Valley
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter
Advertising on RealRenta- A quick guide to uploading your property pics
Have you joined our weekly newspaper?
Pimpama | Townhouses | QLD
It’s officially a tenant’s market-Tips for landlords
Investing in ready tenanted properties
RealRenta Investment-Grade Property Alert
Yarrabilba | House & Land | QLD
Is it a repair, maintenance or a capital improvement?
Greenbank | House & Land | QLD
Is your property “Rent Ready”?
Top Tips for Advertising your Rental Property
Improve Electrical Safety in your property
Joyner | House & Land | QLD
Fundamentals for Landlords
Protecting your finances as a landlord
Are rent reductions covered by landlord insurance?
Ripley | House & Land | QLD
Thornton | House & Land | Hunter Valley
Are you a Property Trader or a Property Investor?
Investing in Regional Property
How to contact RealRenta -There are many ways to reach us
Domestic violence in your investment property
Sunshine Coast | Apartments | QLD | Completed
Think like A Property Valuer
Selling your property yourself
Completed House & Land | Yarrabilba | QLD
Sunshine Coast landlord forced to discount rent after QCAT rules in favor of tenant
The WA government launches a new service to help tenants & landlords resolve COVID-19 tenancy issues
The only property management software you ever need
Late Rent Payments & Rent Tracking
What property investors should know before tax time
Is negative gearing still a winning strategy?
Tax tips for property investors affected by COVID-19
Mango Hill | Townhouses | QLD
How Conveyancing Can Help Make Your Life Easier
Going to a rental or tenancy tribunal
Gross Rental Yield & Net Rental Yield
Investing in student accommodation
RealRenta Investment-Grade Property Alert
The 10 most common property emergencies
13km from the Melbourne CBD | Off market opportunity.
What should you put in property Ads?
Renting out your principal residence
Renting your property family and friends
Investment Property Expense Checklist
Kallangur Townhouses | Completed | QLD
Lease Options for Tenancies
Dual occupancy | House & Land | Ormeau QLD
RealRenta’s CPA incentive program
The only property management software you need
Buzz words to sell your property quickly
Completed Erskineville Apartments | Sydney
Schofield Sydney | Townhouses
What are fixtures?
Bad Tenant Databases
Major insurers waive eviction requirements
ACT Rental law changes due to COVID-19
Coronavirus rental law changes in WA
Coronavirus rental law changes in QLD
RealRenta Investment-Grade Property Alert
Victorian rental law changes due to COVID-19
NSW Rent Law Changes due to COVID19
Locks and Keys - Landlord Obligations
RealRenta Audit Trail for Landlords
Free eBook - The ultimate guide to Buying and Selling during Covid -19
What are urgent repairs?
RealRenta Tenant Portal - Free for Tenants
RealRenta answers questions for landlords
WA Government flags six-month ban on evictions
Queensland Coronavirus Rent Relief Package
Coronavirus & Landlord Insurance
Rental CoronaVirus packages for tenants & landlords
State by State Coronavirus Guide for Landlords
RealRenta Investment-Grade Property Alert
Say Good-bye to sneaky property management fees
Strata & Owners Corporations in the age of COVID-19 (NSW)
Tenants Rights - Rent Increases & Decreases
NSW Landlord Information Statement
NSW Government to announce $440 million coronavirus rental assistance with moratorium on forced evictions
How to deal with a drop in rental revenue (COVID-19)
De-risking strategies & your property investment exit strategy
What types of properties should you buy in a falling market?
You don't ever have to pay high management fees again!
A hold on eviction for renters
Moratorium does not mean rent-free
Automatic Rental Payment Reminder for RealRenta Landlords
RealRenta Landlords save up to 75% off property management Fees!
Attn Queensland Landlords- COVID-19 Rental Grant
Insurers halt landlord insurance product sales
Land Tax deferral for landlords affected by COVID-19
How to keep your property free from COVID-19
Will your landlord insurance cover COVID-19?
Supporting tenants during the COVID-19 outbreak
SMSF Landlords & COVID-19 rent relief
NSW Landlord & tenant responsibilities in the COVID-19 outbreak.
A Guide for Western Australian Landlords
A guide for Landlords in the Northern Territory
A guide for Queensland landlords
A guide for South Australian landlords
A guide for Tasmanian Landlords
COVID-19 & Property Investors- Cut your costs immediately with RealRenta
A guide for Victorian Landlords
Landlord Roles &Responsibilities in NSW
Is your rental property depreciation schedule compliant and the best value?
Landlord obligations in the A.C.T
What does a property depreciation schedule include?
Where can investors get a rental depreciation schedule?
When to use a Residential Tenancy Agreement
Visual property inspections- what you must check before you put in an offer!
Why landlords need a property depreciation schedule
Landlord Rental Inspection Checklist
Victoria Tenancy Agreements
Attn Victorian Landlords: VCAT cannot rule on cases where the landlord resides outside of Victoria
A guide to Lender Security Terminology
Interest in Land-Property Ownership Terms
Ending a Tenancy-Checklist for Landlords
Land Titles- The definitions
Perth landlord fined $10k for not lodging Bond
Stamp duty called off for bushfire-affected residents
Pet Rental laws in Australia
The Real costs of Refinancing
Renovations and How New Household Fixtures Affect Your 2022 Smoke Alarm Compliance
Rooming house owner entry rights and obligations
How is Lenders Mortgage Insurance Calculated?
What you should know about Lenders Mortgage Insurance
RealRenta Investment-Grade Property Alert
What you should know about Split Loans
Attn Victorian Landlords- New laws about pets coming into effect in March
What are considered acceptable securities for a property loan?
When is a Valuation required?
Loan to Value Ratio (LVR)
Attn NT Landlords-REINT Petition for landlord rights
What you should know about Title Searches
What are qualifying rates?
Residential Business Loans
What you should know about Land Tax
What are Reverse Mortgages?
The benefits of an Off-set account for property investing
Landlord responsibilities to their tenants
Buying property through shared equity
Know your cooling-off rights
What is the difference between “Joint Tenants” & “Tenants In Common”
Attn ACT Landlords- new rental reforms announced
Natural disaster claims- A guide for Landlords
How do you know when it’s time to sell your investment property?
Do tenants have to pay for water use?
Is your investment property approved for short-term stays?
Strategies for property investors to avoid paying too much tax
Beware Australia’s property “Red Zones”
RealRenta Investment-Grade Property Alert
Disabled Tenants- What Landlords need to know
Free Advertising on Domain.com.au for RealRenta Landlords
Which city has Australia’s highest rent?
Applying for Pre-Approval
Capital Growth Black Zones
Sustainable properties rent faster
Effectively assessing an investment property’s value
What can Fair Trading help NSW Landlords with ?
Self-managed landlord obligations- State by State
Attention WA Landlords: Residential Tenancies Act review 2019
Common phrases used by mortgage brokers
Pool Safety Certificates for Landlords & Body Corporates
Where to find cash-flow positive properties in Australia
Investing in a car-parking space- Use RealRenta to automatically manage the tenancy
RealRenta Investment-Grade Property Alert
Reasons to leave your lender
Questions to ask before you make an offer on a property
What is a comparison rate?
Providing a termination notice- NSW landlords
Home safety for your investment property
Property valuation secrets you need to know
Lease-break penalty fees ( NSW Landlords)
Save tax on rental income with these deductions
Ask your mortgage broker these questions
Landlord & Tenancy Infringements and penalties (Victoria)
How to spot high-yield suburbs.
How an offset account can save you tax
What to check before investing in land banking
What landlords need to know about bushfires & natural disasters
Tips from the ATO to help property investors avoid common tax mistakes
Legal ways to reduce CGT on your investment property
Your tenants’ rights in the wake of a disaster
Rental income you must declare (ATO)
How will tenancy laws change in 2020?
NSW Landlords- here are the 7 minimum standards to ensure your property is “fit for habitation”.
Important changes To NSW tenancy laws in March
Market your investment property as a holiday house
Legal reasons a tenancy application can be denied
Setting the rent- what our most successful landlords say.
Co-ownership of rental properties
What does over - capitalisation mean and how to avoid it
Minimum standards for rooming houses - Vic
Tasmanian Rental Guide for property investors & the Residential Tenancy Act
The Queensland Government has released a set of proposals to protect both renters and property investors
Wishing all of our landlords a happy & prosperous 2020!
Rental properties 2019 - ATO Guide
Property modifications for older tenants in NSW
Seasons Greetings from the team at RealRenta
Resolving building disputes in Victoria
Perth landlord fined $4000 for not lodging bond.
Applying for dispute resolution in Queensland for landlords
Managing rooming accommodation in Qld booklet
Attn Queensland landlords-Managing general tenancies in Queensland
The hidden costs of buying property
Property Condition Report
What landlords must know when their tenant gives notice to vacate
How to write a good listing Ad for your investment property
Attention WA Landlords: New rules give more power to tenants
What's new at RealRenta property advisory? Investment-Grade Property Alert
Your step by step guide to purchasing an investment property
What investors should know about” Low-Doc “Loans.
What property investors must know about strata insurance
What banks are looking for in your investment loan application?
Comparing investment property loans.
Questions you need to ask about a strata property before you purchase.
The advantages of buying property in a Trust.
How do lenders value potential rental yield?
RealRenta Investment-Grade Property Alert
Buying a house – finance and valuation conditions
Attention Queensland Landlords- Potential rental reforms on the horizon.
The most common issues with Bank Appraisals
The principles behind smart borrowing to invest
Useful Links for Australian Landlords
How depreciation works for an older investment property
What's new at RealRenta property advisory?
PAYG withholding variation for property investors.
After the Auction
Renting out a Granny Flat- Tips from RealRenta
Benefits of buying an investment property with solar energy
PAYG Installments when you’re making a profit from your investment property.
RealRenta Tenant Ledger
We have saved our landlords hundreds and thousands of dollars in management fees!
What's new at RealRenta property advisory?
Investment Property expenses for which you can claim an immediate deduction.
5 Reasons a mortgage application can be denied.
How to defuse an emotional situation with a tenant
Getting ready for auction day!
Understanding the settlement process when buying a home
Reporting terrible agents and property managers.
Tax deductions for asbestos-affected investment properties
The latest investment-grade offerings from RealRenta
Capital Works Deductions and Investment Properties
Depreciation Tips For Renovating Investment Properties
RealRenta Tenants can now connect all their utilities in one simple process
How pets can lower the value of your property if you are trying to sell.
Finding Mortgagee Sales in Australia
RealRenta Investment-Grade Property Alert
Should property investors be worried about a recession?
Ways to increase your borrowing capacity
What are the different types of property valuations?
Evaluating your property portfolio
What types of properties should an investor avoid?
Smoke Alarm Solutions --Exclusive to RealRenta Landlords
RealRenta National Support Team
The benefits of Offset Accounts for Property Investors
RealRenta Advertising Options
How to spot pests and rodents in a property
Property development- Mitigate your legal risks
Australian Architecture 101
Cancelled or Withdrawn Property Listings
Real estate agent obligations
RealRenta Investment-Grade Property Alert
Big Mistakes Property Managers make
What are the current market trends?- Insights from our mortgage broker Jon Encavey
How to find property markets with a strong demand.
What improvements can tenants make to your property?
Gift ideas for tenants- inspiring loyalty
Sub-dividing land- what you need to know
Landlord Infringements – What can you be fined for?
RealRenta Investment-Grade Property Alert
The Pre-Auction Offer- Tips from a property strategist
How to think like a Valuer when buying your Investment Property
Open House etiquette- a buyer’s guide
What can a good mortgage broker do for you?
What you should know about Real Estate Agent Fees and Commissions
Attention ACT Landlords: New Tenancy Laws being implemented on the 1st November
RealRenta FAQ’s
RealRenta Investment-Grade Property Alert
Talk to us before investing in Land.
Investment-Grade Property Checklist
What can be deducted from a Tenant’s Bond
How to avoid buying an investment property lemon
Attracting Professional Tenants to your rental property
RealRenta interviews Jamie Doman- our property strategist partner
Ask us about Refinancing
What can RealRenta Property Advisory do for you?
Preventing illegal sub-letting
RealRenta Investment-Grade Property Alert
Investment Properties & Geographic Risk
The Conveyancing Process- A guide for RealRenta Landlords
RealRenta CPA Incentive Program
Avoid liability by Child-Proofing your Investment Property
Heritage Listed Properties- What you need to know.
A RealRenta Landlord’s Guide to Conveyancing terms.
RealRenta Investment-Grade Property Alert
What is your rental yield? A Property Location Checklist from RealRenta
Sales Agreements- A RealRenta Guide
House & Land Package Checklist-7 questions you need to ask.
Creating an Audit Trail for each Tenancy with RealRenta
This is why you need landlord insurance
Meet RealRenta Landlord Sanjay
Negative vs Positive Gearing
Agents that under-quote- 5 ways to outsmart them.
RealRenta Investment-Grade Property Alert
Inheriting an Investment Property
Attn Queensland Landlords- Important changes to the RTA
How to spot bad neighbours
Property Settlement delays- Know Your Rights!
How to buy an investment property with equity.
RealRenta Investment-Grade Property Alert
How to attract Property Investors
Lenders Mortgage Insurance- What property investors should know
Landlords- Beware these tenant scams
Endearing yourself to a mortgage lender- Some tips from RealRenta
Lighting Options for your Investment Property
Pest Control- & Mould- What are Landlord Responsibilities?
An introduction to Land Subdivision- Some Tips from RealRenta
RealRenta Investment-Grade Property Alert
5 Electrical Safety Requirements for Landlords
Negative Equity- Selling your property at a loss.
Reasons why you should consider allowing pets in your investment property!
Restoring a Heritage Property-Some RealRenta Tips
Get the upper hand in Property Negotiation- Some tactics from RealRenta
Property Condition Reports- What Landlords need to remember.
Listing your property as a holiday rental- Some tips from RealRenta
Ways you may unwittingly lower your property’s re-sale value
Energy Efficient Upgrades for Investment Properties
Estimating Sales Prices & Best Practice Methods.
Under-quoting agents-What buyers need to know!
How to get a Development Application approved by Council- Fast!
What you should know about Property Development before you start
Have you checked your property for termites?
Why get just one rent when you can get two lots of rent from the same property?
Insurance Tips for Home Renovations
Handling Noisy Neighbour Complaints in Multi-Tenanted Properties
Cannabis Farms and Drug Labs, Tell Tale signs for Landlords
Is it better to invest in old or new properties? Here are the Pros & Cons from RealRenta
What landlords need to know about changing locks
Your RealRenta Checklist for Property Loans
Property Depreciation- The Basics
RealRenta Interviews Jonathan from Bee Money Ep 2
Is it a Repair or an Improvement?
Thinking of buying a Tenanted Property?
How do you get tenants to pay more Rent? 9 quick TIPS for Landlords!
Do students make good tenants ?
Dealing With Problematic Tenants- 7 Tips for Being a Fair Landlord
How to deal with a drop in rental revenue- Some tips from RealRenta
RealRenta Interviews Jonathan from Bee Money Ep 1
Financing a Property Renovation with RealRenta
Your Tenant’s Privacy-Landlord Do’s & Don’ts.
Suburb Gentrification- Finding the next HotSpot!
Calculating Rental Bond
Assistance Animals- What Landlords must know!
A State by State Guide for Lodging Rental Bonds
A quick guide to Construction Loans from RealRenta
Dual Occupancy Investment Properties-Double the Benefit!
Legal reasons tenants can break a lease
Introducing RealRenta Essential for Landlords (Free Version)
RealRenta Tips for your next Property Evaluation
Renting out rooms with RealRenta
Screening New Tenants- Some RealRenta Tips
A RealRenta Landlord’s guide to eviction
Big news for investors that have been struggling to get further lending!
Landlord Rights- The final property Inspection
How to video your property condition report
Resolving Tenancy Disputes- A RealRenta Guide
Preventing tenant legal disputes- 10 tips from RealRenta
Off to the rental tribunal? Here is your checklist!
This is how RealRenta Landlords make more money from their investment properties!
Sick of disrupted cash flow?-Automated Rental Payment Reminders for RealRenta Landlords
Sneaky Property Management Fees-Are you being charged for these?
Uploading photos for Ads on RealRenta
Quick tips for higher rental yields from RealRenta
Late Fees for Overdue Rent-What can you charge?
How long does your property manager make you wait to receive your rental income?
Foray into Foreclosures- Investing in Distressed Properties.
Investment Properties- Ownership Options
Tenant Selection- Don’t miss these Red Flags!
Selling your tenanted Investment Property
Your tenant can’t pay the rent- Tips for Landlords
5 Tips to rent out your Investment Property- FAST!
Enticing Renters through Digital Marketing
Land Titles- What you need to know!
6 things to do when buying into a Body Corporate Investment
Getting quotes for Building & Renovations
Selling your property via social media- Tips from RealRenta
Why it makes sense to rent (NOT sell) your family home- 9 RealRenta Tips
A Guide to Discrimination for Landlords
The best 5 tax effective renovations for your investment property
Increasing rent on fixed-term tenancies
When can tenants claim compensation?
Landlord Infringement Notices- What can you be fined for?
Questions to ask when researching a location
Tricks for better property pics!
3 Essential rules for communicating with tenants
What should tenants look for to reduce energy costs?
NSW Landlord & Tenant Act to be repealed
Median rents quick finder for Queensland landlords
Changes to Victorian Residential Tenancies Act (Minimum Standards)
Victorian rental hikes capped to once a year
How much can you rent your property for?
The ATO Property spotlight
Co-tenancy, sub-leases and rooming house leases- what are the differences?
Landlord obligations- Fire alarms, gas & electrical safety
Gross and Net rental yield- do you know the difference?
Renting to family & friends? Think again!
Old or new properties? Which make better investments?
Avoiding bad tenants with RealRenta Bad Tenant Checks
Are you prepared for the rental tribunal?
Do you have an expense checklist for your investment property?
When you buy an Investment Property, you become a Property Manager whether you like it or not
Get the biggest bang for your buck- self-manage your investment property with RealRenta
Can you make more money out of your investment property?
Have you invested in Noosa? Investors could be banned from renting out holidays homes soon.
Fact sheets for foreign investors for Aussie property (REIA)
Changes to sunset clauses in Victoria
Gas appliances- Landlord responsibilities for Victorian Landlords
Victoria stamp duty laws to hit agents and fund managers (AFR)
Attention Victorian Landlords-Solar rebates will re-open on the 1st July 2019 for Victorian property owners
Are you keeping records correctly? The ATO will be targeting property investors who are not doing the right thing.
How much can a good school zone affect rental yield?
Are you making enough money out of your investment property?
Push for all SA landlords to allow pets
Victorian property owners to be hit by rising fire services property levies
Valuing investment properties for Centrelink
Renting to tenants under the age of 18 in Victoria
Victorian property owners will face millions of dollars in increased property taxes in this year's state budget
Interesting solar energy facts landlords should know
Every rental property in Queensland must meet new smoke alarm rules by 31st December 2021
Mould- Everything you didn’t want to know
Unpaid rent – When a landlord does not need to give notice to re-enter the premises
Building on a small block? Here are some tips
New NSW strata renewal legislation
The benefits of long-term leases
WA rental sector now a landlord’s market
Expenses claimed for loss-making properties (ATO)
What do you look for in a CBD Investment ?
Questions to ask before buying a serviced apartment
What should you do before buying into strata?
What are the top things that determine a property’s value?
Fixed term versus periodic tenancies (NSW Landlords)
The best types of carpets for your investment property
Australia’s riskiest suburbs for home loans
Greens propose $1.2 Billion solar fund to provide SA landlords grants to install solar panels
Squatter seizes ownership of house under law of adverse possession
Changes to off-the-plan residential property contracts in NSW
2019-05-11 Renting your own investment property (at arm’s length)
What is a strata scheme in New South Wales?
Increase your rental yield with pets
The Labor Party’s Tax policy changes will hurt landlords and their tenants (Housing Industry Association)
Perth remains the cheapest capital city to rent (Domain)
Five quick fixes for under $1,000 to attract more quality tenants.
Buying property with friends, be aware of potential pitfalls
Short-stay accommodation legislation passed (Victoria & NSW)
What to do if your lender takes you to court
Operating a boarding house in NSW
RealRenta Bad Tenant Check Search Criteria
The Current Status Of Combustible Cladding In Australia
Construction and Development Funding available ( $1M to $200M)
No-grounds evictions (Notice periods for each state and territory)
Join "Self-Managing Property Australia"- RealRenta's exclusive Facebook Group
Developers can no longer use sunset clauses for financial gain in NSW
How can landlords prepare for negative gearing changes?
Lease Agreements for Victorian Landlords
ATO says rental travel deduction issues remain
Lodging a Claim against a Tenant’s Bond in NSW
Attn Apartment owners: Alucobond cladding is combustible and not safe under consumer law ( AFR)
Australian Residential Tenancies Acts- A reference list for Landlords
Claiming from the bond if you do not know where the tenant is (Victorian Landlords)
What landlords should do in the event of a tenant’s death
Are granny flats legal in your state or territory?
ATO ramping up audits on landlords
Attn Victorian Landlords- Minister flags solar rebate extension to rental properties
RBA bracing for 30% decline in property values
Alterations to properties for tenants with a disability (Victoria)
NSW top regional hot spots (PRDnationwide’s Ready, Set, Go report.)
Attn WA Landlords: South West sessions on new family violence tenancy laws
The most affordable suburbs in Australia
The ACT Greens want to enforce legislation requiring landlords to list Energy Efficiency Ratings (EERs)
Is it better to buy a new or old apartment?
Rental Property Expenses Schedule (ATO)
Tax deduction trap looms for property investors who renovate
Rental Property Tax Deductions (ATO)
Terminating a lease (Victorian Landlords)
When can a tenant legally break a lease agreement?
Common Real estate and property terms
4 questions the ATO will ask you about your holiday home
ATO to closely scrutinise property investor claims
WA Landlord fined $13k for withholding bonds
Common Depreciation mistakes
Attention ACT Landlords- Proposed changes to the ACT Residential Tenancies Act
Evicting your tenants legally
RealRenta Investment Property Calculator
Self-Managing Landlords (NSW) Rental Bonds Online.
RealRenta Landlord Testimonials
Why are RealRenta Landlords so relaxed?
Attn Property Investors: Labor will end negative gearing concessions for new investors on January 1
Australia’s richest and poorest postcodes (ATO Tax Stats 2016-17)
The potential effects of Labor’s negative gearing policies
Spending thousands of your investment income on property managers in a falling market is crazy.
Rents are rising in parts of Brisbane
What landlords should know about illegal sub-letting
What $300k will buy you in Brisbane (CoreLogic)
Selling your property by tender
What types of suburbs make the most money for investors?
Rental Inspection Checklist from RealRenta
Construction Loans- What you should know about progress payments
The Real Estate Institute of Australia welcomes the release by SQM Reseach of the report Labor’s Negative Gearing Policy – A Market Update.
RealRenta Essential is completely Free!
Attn Queensland Landlords: Combustible cladding and obligations of building owners
Keeping your property mould-free (Our top tips)
RealRenta Bad Tenant Checks (The National Tenancy Database)
Attn WA Landlords: Residential Tenancies Legislation Amendment (Family Violence) Act 2019
The ATO says that 90% of property investors are making these mistakes
Construction Loans- What you should know about inspections and valuations
Buying an investment property with a pool?
The construction loan approval process
The construction process explained.
Solar Options for Qld Landlords
Construction Loans: What is progressive drawdown?
More Free Websites to help you manage your Investment Property!
Set a budget for your renovation and stick to it
Pay less interest on your property loan with 100% offset
Mistakes investors need to avoid in a property market downturn
Negative gearing policy clarification issued to investors
The 5 worst Australian property markets
How to spot a dodgy property investment seminar (Tips from ASIC)
What you should know about international property investment
7 ways Landlords can save money
The construction loan approval process- what do you need to show your lender.
Returning or claiming the bond at the end of a tenancy.
Releasing or claiming the bond – landlords and owners (Vic)
NSW landlords to lose no-grounds evictions under Labor (Financial Review 27/2/2019)
RealRenta Property Round-Up ( For Melbourne Investors)
Values cooling in capital cities
New data shows Sydney house prices have highest discounts in a decade
New Melbourne Schools creating property hot-spots
Your auction day game plan
How to avoid a bad builder
Trial RealRenta and get a Featured Ad on Realestate.com.au for only $78- Offer expires close of business 27th Feb
The worst performing suburbs of 2018
Property buying contracts and offer conditions
Attn WA Landlords: WA Government is taking steps to trace landlords who fail to lodge tenancy bonds
Garden Tips for Landlords
Haggling Tips from our most successful RealRenta Landlords
3 Renovations that waste money in your Investment Property
What are the differences between fixtures and fittings?
Disputing an excessive rent order
Property Investment Round-Up
Do your homework before switching property investment loans.
RealRenta Landlord Links-Lease Agreements
Property Condition Reports
The 7 principles of Self- Love for Property Investors
RealRenta Investment-Grade Property Alert
Rental Guides for your Tenants
Landlord Resources- Bond Forms
What should your rental yield be?
Australian Property Research- Our top Free website picks
Property Investment Round-Up!
What damages to property is a landlord’s responsibility?
Introducing RealRenta Essential for Landlords (Free Version)
Loan Repayments & Equity Loan Calculators from our Finance Partner
Property Loan dictionary (L to Z)
Your guide to building and renovating- the benefits of a construction loan
A property loan dictionary ( A – I)
Solar Power Myths
One property, two incomes- dual key properties.
Property Inspection Checklist from our Finance Partner
RealRenta Investment-Grade Property Alert
What are students looking for in a rental property?
Sell your property at a premium price
Find out if a 100% offset account is right for you
Property taxes in 2019: What investors need to know
The Most important things to repair before selling a property
Your Investment Property and the best 5 tax –effective renovations
The benefits of RealRenta’s Tenant Ledger
The best property investment advice you ever got.
After the Auction
Different ways to sell your property
Buying a house – finance and valuation conditions
Considerations before buying property off- the- plan
How depreciation works for a new investment property
Mortgage Protection Insurance
Renting out a Granny Flat- Tips from RealRenta
Timing the market
How depreciation works for an older investment property
RealRenta Quick Tips To Increase Rental Yield
Do You Think Repairs And Maintenance Take Up Too Much Of Your Time?
The Best Way To Manage Your Investment Rental Property
What Your Tenants Worry About
Being a landlord – Things you should know
ATO Guide for rental property owners
Dealing With Problematic Tenants - 7 Tips for Being a Fair Landlord
Help your Tenants pass their Inspections
Wishing all of our landlords a lucrative 2019!!
Dealing with Difficult Tenants for DIY Landlords
Questions to ask tenants
Tips for finding good tenants
Fees Property Managers charge and why
Has the lease expired on the traditional property management model??
Quick Biz loans -Fast Approval
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RealRenta Weekly Investment-Grade Property Alert
Seasons Greetings from RealRenta
The principles behind smart borrowing to invest
Benefits of buying an investment property with solar energy.
Queensland's rental laws set for major reform after public calls for price caps, flexible pet rules
Business Markets Loan from our Finance Partner
Is your Investment Property genuinely available for rent- What does the ATO say?
PAYG withholding variation for property investors.
Investment Property expenses, for which you can claim an immediate deduction
RealRenta Weekly Premier Land Development Alert- South East QLD
Rental Property Expenses for which you CANNOT claim DEDUCTIONS.
5 Reasons a mortgage application can be denied.
The most common issues with Bank Appraisals
What do you need to operate RealRenta and what devices does it work on?
How to defuse an emotional situation with a tenant
Relax like a RealRenta Landlord…..
Bridging loans: Should you buy or sell first?
We have saved our landlords hundreds and thousands of dollars in management fees!
Sneaky Property Management Fees
What borrowing expenses can property investors claim? This is what the ATO says.
RealRenta Investment-Grade Property Alert
PAYG Installments when you’re making a profit from your investment property
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Business Interest Account from our Finance Partner
Investment Property Income- what the ATO says you MUST declare
RealRenta Weekly Investment-Grade Property Alert
Renting out holiday homes- what does the ATO say?
What’s in a “Business Options Loan “?
One month FREE usage of RealRenta for the best property manager nightmare story!
RealRenta Tenant Ledger
Useful Links for Australian Landlords
RealRenta Weekly Investment-Grade Property Alert
What the ATO says about Holiday Apartments in commercial residential properties
Are you considering Airbnb for your investment property?
Capital Works Deductions and Investment Properties
Is your bias affecting your investment decisions?
Understanding the settlement process when buying a property.
Getting ready for auction day!
What our landlords tell us about Rentvesting
Depreciation Tips For Renovating Investment Properties
Is Your Home Compliant With The New Smoke Alarm Legislation?
RealRenta Landlord Q & A
RealRenta Investment-Grade Property Alert
Treating a dwelling as your main residence after you move out
What Legal expenses can property investors claim?
Tax deductions for asbestos-affected investment properties
What does RealRenta cost?
Why you shouldn’t buy property at an auction in this market!
Calculating Rental Bond
Landlord Q & A- What can a landlord do if a sole tenant dies?
RealRenta Investment-Grade Property Alert
What do we see as the biggest threats to the Australian Property Market.
Reporting terrible agents and property managers.
Applying for an investment property loan? Here ‘s how to manage the serviceability.
RealRenta tips for increasing rental yield
Travelling to your investment property- What can you claim?
Using Trade Finance to Grow
We will pay you to introduce landlords to RealRenta
Portfolio Facility with an all in one line of credit for property investors
STOP handing over your investment income to a property manager!
Prepare for the 2019 property market.
Selling your property in a buyer’s market
RealRenta Landlord Resources
RealRenta Tenants can now connect all their utilities in one simple process
Project Bank Account for QLD Building Contractors
What types of properties to buy in a falling market
How pets can lower the value of your property
Applying for business finance? Here's what you need
Know your property’s real value.
Bridging Loans: Should you buy or sell first?
Landlord Building & contents cover for RealRenta Landlords
Landlord Insurance for RealRenta Landlords
Landlord rights when a commercial tenant is insolvent.
Finding Mortgagee Sales in Australia
Ways to increase your borrowing capacity
The biggest risks facing Australian property investors
Avoid the lemons when buying apartments for your portfolio
What postcode location categories do banks use?
Essential factors for your property investment exit strategy
What are the different types of property valuations.
Beware the interest –only cliff!
Tips for buying a prestige property in a falling market.
Rising risk of credit crunch for property investors
3 ways to make your Property worth More
Buying your first Investment Property? 6 quick tips from RealRenta
Emergency Repairs - Tips for Landlords
How to deal with a drop in rental revenue- Some tips from RealRenta
So How much can you rent your house for?
Thinking of Buying a Tenanted Property?
What should be in a Rental Inspection Checklist?
How to video your property condition report
Is it a Repair or an Improvement?
Landlord Insurance-Protect your Investment
RealRenta announces new partnership with NAB.
RealRenta –Automatic Rental Payment Reminder
RealRenta Investment-Grade Property Alert
RealRenta Landlord- Introducer Incentive program!
The final Inspection- Landlord Rights
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My Property Manager Cost me thousands
A landlord’s guide to keeping the peace
Why I gave up on property managers’: A landlord reveals all
How to find and keep better tenants for your rental property
How to deal with aggressive and disgruntled tenants
The Reserve Bank has decided to again cut official interest rates
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How to choose the best tenant
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Breaking up is not hard to do - Dumping your Property Manager
Buying an Investment Property
8 Prerequisites
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RBA Announcement – Interest Rates - May 2016
Innovative solutions to secure higher rents for landlords.
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“Breaking up is not hard to do- Dumping your Property Manager”
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Rates on hold - for now
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Rates on hold until February
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Australia's Housing Now Worth Six Trillion Dollars
Rates remain on hold but case for cut grows
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Rental roundabout
Negative gearing
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