
Property investment lessons Part 7

Be greedy when others are fearful and be fearful when others are greedy.

Don’t follow the crowd because the "crowd” is either wrong or late to the party.

Don’t do what most property investors do.

The majority of property investors fail – 50% sell up their properties in the first 5 years and of those who stay in the market, 90% of investors never get past their first or second property.

Treat your property investments like a business. There is no room for emotions, track your cash flow, regularly review your portfolio’s performance and make your decisions based on evidence.

Don’t look for fun or excitement in your investing.
Your property investments should be boring, but they should give you the where with all to make the rest of your life exciting.

Diversification is for people who don’t know how to invest.
You’ll never become an expert doing a hundred things once. However, you can become a master doing one thing a hundred times.


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Jason Gwerder
Thursday, 27 January 2022

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