
What you should know about Land Tax

Land Tax is an annual State Tax imposed by each State and Territory off Australia (except the Northern Territory) and is a tax levied on the owners of land.


The Office of State Revenue will typically look after Land Tax obligations.

The Valuer General values all land annually and provides the values to the OSR for land tax purposes.

Values are determined at the 30th June, preceding each land tax year.

If an owner sells land after midnight June 30 2020, they would still be responsible for land tax for the 2019-2020 assessment year. The State Revenue Office does not apportion land tax.

Land Tax applies to any property that is not the principal place of residence, even if that property does not earn any income.

The value of taxable land does not include structural improvements, ie a house.

Land Tax may be payable if an owner owns or part owns:

·     Vacant land/vacant rural land

·     Land where a house/residential unit/flat has been built

·     Holiday homes

·     Company title units

·     Residential/commercial/industrial units and car spaces

·     Commercial properties/factories/shops/warehouses

·     Land leased from State or Local government

Land used for both the principal place of residence and non-residential purposes may be eligible for a reduction in land tax for the proportion used as the residence.

Land zoned rural which is used for primary production is exempt and a former home which is not sold by the time the new one is moved into, or one which is in the process of being renovated before it is lived in, may be negotiable for exemption.

If the combined value of land is equal to or under the threshold, no land tax is payable.


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Marlene Liontis
Monday, 24 February 2020

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