With the Australian Capital
Territory extending its lockdown, the government has urged landlords, tenants
and rental providers to work together closely over the coming weeks.
For the first time in over 12
months, Canberra is in lockdown due to COVID, joiningSydneyandMelbournein
heavy restrictions.
According to Chief Minister
Andrew Barr, this current lockdown may present challenges for some people in
the community, particularly tenants who have been financially impacted by the
COVID-19 restrictions.
As such, working together will
be critical to ensuring the physical, financial and mental wellbeing of all
parties involved, he said.
Attorney-General Shane
Rattenbury said landlords are encouraged to consider negotiating temporary rent
reduction or a rent arrears payment plan for tenants impacted by the lockdown.
"COVID-19 has had a financial
impact on many Canberrans, and this has created some challenges for tenants
making their rent payments,”Mr Rattenbury said.
"I encourage tenants to
communicate with their landlord if they are experiencing financial difficulty
and if they can’t make full rent payment. Tenants can negotiate a rent
repayment plan with the landlord if in arrears or negotiate a temporary rent
Along with landlords supporting
tenants financially, the Attorney-General has also urged tenants to provide
assistance to their landlords in the form of facilitating virtual inspections
where necessary and practising patience in cases of delayed repairs.
Looking ahead, Mr Barr said the
ACT government will continue to monitor the impacts of the pandemic on
landlords and tenants, and consider whether further support is necessary.
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Jason Gwerder
Wednesday, 25 August 2021