
Teach yourself

"Developing a life-long pursuit of learning and educating yourself is important for every individual,” Buffett’s animated self says in an episode of Secret Millionaire's Club.

That’s good advice for parents and actually anyone who is looking to start their educational journey.

"What I always say is, read to learn,” says Buffett, who famously reads several newspapers each day.

"Don’t be afraid to keep learning by taking a class or reading about innovations and new technologies.”

After all, you’re only human and not everyone has all the answers.

Showcasing this to your kids is also incredibly important.

Show them that pursuing their hobbies, going through that extra reading material, doing those extra classes, and anything else they can do to better themselves is not only hugely beneficial but teaches them that continual learning is the best way to get ahead in the long run.

That dedication and a passion for knowledge will serve them well in all areas of life, including their finances.

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Jason Gwerder
Friday, 20 August 2021

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