
Resolving Tenancy Disputes- A RealRenta Guide

In the case of an issue with your tenant not being resolved, there are numerous support services around the country, which assist with residential tenancy complaints and disputes


Landlords in NSW can use the Fair Trading’s Residential Tenancy and Real Estate Complaint Service, to resolve tenancy, real estate, property complaints & disputes.


The Residential Tenancies Authority (RTA) has a free and confidential dispute resolution service, aimed at helping landlords and tenants resolve disputes without the need for legal action.


In Victoria, Consumer Affairs Victoria offer, a free conciliation service that can help resolve disputes between landlords and tenants.

• WA

In WA, refer to the Residential Tenancies Act 1987 to assist with disputes. The Act requires written notices to be used between landlords and tenants. You can call the Commerce WA Advice Line if you need more information on 1300 304 054.

• SA

In SA Consumer & Business Services (CBS) has a single phone number to call, to help you resolve a tenancy dispute: 131 882

• NT

In the NT, Consumer Affairs NT run training courses for Landlords about the Residential Tenancy Act. You can call 08 8999 1999 to book.


In the ACT, Landlords can access information from the ACT office of Regulatory Services on 02 6207 3000. You can also access free legal advice from the ACT Legal Society, who can be contacted on 02 6247 5700

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Marlene Liontis
Tuesday, 23 July 2019

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