
Pet Rental laws in Australia

Some States and Territories have begun relaxing laws preventing tenants from becoming pet owners or taking up a lease with a pet.

Here is a breakdown of the current laws:

·       Victoria

As of March 2, landlord can’t reasonably refuse a tenants request to keep a pet and a tenant must request in writing from the landlord. Tenants however, can be liable to pay damages/compensation for any damages done to the rental property

·       NSW

The Residential Tenancies Act 2010 doesn’t prevent tenants from bringing pets onto a property but many leases will have a clause specifically relating to pets.

It’s not illegal for landlords to put a "no pets” clause unless it is an assistance/companion animal.

Additionally, tenants will have to adhere to strata by-laws if applicable

·       QLD

Queensland requires tenants to ask permission to keep their pets inside a rental property. It is completely the landlord’s discretion as to whether or not they allow the pets.

·       SA

South Australian landlords may decline a tenant’s request but if they allow a pet in the property, they could stipulate that tenant’s must professionally clean and fumigate the property, as well as holding additional inspections.

·       WA

Landlords in WA can charge an additional pet bond if they allow a pet. The maximum pet bond is $260

·       TASMANIA

Also up to a landlord’s discretion. Tenants will have pay for damages incurred.

·       NT

Tenants can now request in writing to the landlord and landlords have 14 days to reach a decision. If a landlord says no, they have to make an application to the tribunal to prove it’s a reasonable denial and if the tribunal rejects the application, the tenant can keep the pet on the rental property.

·       ACT

A landlord can refuse a request but it must be submitted to the ACT’s Civil & Administrative Tribunal, who will make a decision.


For more articles about letting pets in your investment property, read our other article here: https://www.realrenta.com.au/blog/post/586


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Jason Gwerder
Sunday, 8 March 2020

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