
Reporting terrible agents and property managers.

The real estate industry in Australia is changing and more competitive than ever.

There is no need to put up with inferior service from an agent or property manager under any circumstance.

There are now, plenty of alternatives to the traditional agency models out there, so take control and call out the bad agents when you encounter them.

If you are dissatisfied with the standard of conduct of an agent, you can report them to the following agencies for your respective state or territory:

• Real Estate Institute of Australian Capital Territory, ph: (02) 6282 4544

• ACT: Office of Regulatory Services, ph: 6207 3000

• Real Estate Institute of New South Wales, ph: (02) 9264 2343

• NSW: Office of Fair Trading, ph: 13 32 20

• Real Estate Institute of Northern Territory, ph: (08) 8981 8905

• NT: Consumer Affairs, ph: (08) 8999 1999

• Real Estate Institute of Queensland, ph: (07) 3249 7347

• QLD: Fair Trading, ph: 13 74 68

• Real Estate Institute of South Australia, ph: (08) 8366 4300

• SA: Consumer and Business Services, ph: 131 882

• Real Estate Institute of Tasmania, ph: (03) 6223 4769

• TAS: Consumer Affairs and Fair Trading, ph: 1300 65 44 99 / (03) 6165 3400

• Real Estate Institute of Victoria, ph: (03) 9205 6666

• VIC: Consumer Affairs, ph: 1300 55 81 81

• Real Estate Institute of Western Australia, ph: (08) 9380 8222

• WA: Consumer Protection, ph: 1300 136 237


It’s time to ditch your property manager!

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Jason Gwerder
Sunday, 28 October 2018

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