
Landlord obligations in the A.C.T

Here is a brief overview of landlord obligations in the Australian Capital Territory:


 Bond is four weeks’ rent.

 One month’s rent is paid in advance.

 Rent increases aren’t permitted for the first year of the lease.

 Notice for a landlord to end tenancy is anywhere from 14 days to 26 weeks.

The Residential Tenancies Act 1997 (the Act) applies to all residential tenancies in the ACT both public and private.

A standard tenancy agreement can be found here (PDF 276KB), or copies can be purchased from the ACT Law Society.

Access Canberra does not provide legal advice to tenants, landlords or real estate agents.

  • Tenants can contact the Tenancy Advice Service at Legal Aid ACT on 1300 402 512.
  • Landlords can contact the Legal Advice Bureau at the Law Society on 6274 0300.

More RealRenta articles for ACT Landlords:

https://www.realrenta.com.au/blog/post/554 New ACT Tenancy Laws

https://www.realrenta.com.au/blog/post/725 Landlord Rental Inspection Checklist


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Jason Gwerder
Friday, 20 March 2020

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