
Alterations to properties for tenants with a disability (Victoria)

 If a tenant has a dis­abil­ity, they can make rea­son­able alter­ations to the property to meet their spe­cial needs if:

·         the ten­ant pay for the alterations

·         the ten­ant agrees to restore the property to its pre­vi­ous state before they leave

·         the alter­ations will not alter the premises of another occu­pier. For exam­ple, a neighbour's property

·         things can be put back to the way that they were before the alterations.

In some cases, a prop­erty owner may be required to make alter­ations to premises to help accom­mo­date a per­son with dis­abil­ity, but only where this would not cause the owner 'unjus­ti­fi­able hardship'.

To deter­mine whether alter­ations would cause 'unjus­ti­fi­able hard­ship' to the prop­erty owner, all the cir­cum­stances must be con­sid­ered, includ­ing any ben­e­fit or detri­ment the adjust­ments may cause, the costs involved in mak­ing the alter­ations and the finan­cial cir­cum­stances of the owner.


More info for landlords; https://www.humanrightscommission.vic.gov.au/discrimination/places-of-discrimination/accommodation/item/644-discrimination-and-renting-%E2%80%93-information-for-tenants


* RealRenta creates a file for each tenancy and dates and time stamps every interaction between you and your tenant.

Jason Gwerder
Tuesday, 16 April 2019

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