
Uploading photos for Ads on RealRenta

Rent your investment property quicker by placing your ad on RealRenta.com.au.

Your Ad will also automatically appear on Rent.com.au and Homely.com.au for Free until you have found tenants.

Here are some quick tips for uploading the right type of photos for your rental ad:

•Clean the property until it is sparkling- you will be surprised what can show up in a picture

•Remove personal items- too many personal items can turn off prospective tenants

•Use all available lighting. A well-lit space can make or break your photos

•Hold your camera below shoulder height and adjust until the walls are vertical and straight

•Step back so that you can capture a whole space in one shot

•Position yourself to highlight the angles and space, being careful to avoid shadows.

•Hold the camera still and aim to focus on a point that is half way between you and the furthest point in the photo

•Download image-enhancing apps that allow you to sharpen, straighten, increase and decrease contrast.

•Get the "Hero Shot”, for example, the façade of the property, the pool or something unique about your property

 •No need to upload 50 photos, only use the best shots and showcase them.

•When you are ready to upload your photos and write your property description, go to the Advertising section and choose your preferred Ad option Try RealRenta for Free for up to 2 months and start making more money from your investment property today!

Marlene Liontis
Thursday, 13 September 2018

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