
NSW Landlord & Tenant Act to be repealed

According to a report by the Real Estate Institute of New South Wales (REINSW), The Landlord and Tenant (Amendment) Act 1948 (NSW) (LTA Act) will be repealed on July 1.


The LTA Act was originally introduced to provide post-war housing, allowing rent control and security of tenure for tenants, particularly servicemen and their families.

As part of the amendment, existing tenants and their spouses will remain protected. However, succession rights for dependent children will be axed.

The protection afforded by the LTA Act will continue to apply as if it had not been repealed until the relevant tenant passes away, according to The NSW government.

 In addition, a spouse or de facto partner is covered if they lived with the tenant immediately before the death.

Source: https://www.yourinvestmentpropertymag.com.au/news/landlord-and-tenant-act-to-be-revoked-263641.aspx


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Jason Gwerder
Thursday, 27 June 2019

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