
The government wants you to be a property investor

With around a third of Australia’s population being tenants, the government can’t supply sufficient public housing and therefore encourages ordinary Australians to become property investors and supply rental accommodation.

To assist you our tax system allows you to claim legitimate expenses of your property investment business along the way.

There is a long list of expenses related to the purchase and maintenance of an investment property that is able to be claimed as an immediate tax deduction and can be claimed in the income year that they were incurred.

Some of these expenses include:

  • The cost of advertising for tenants for your property
  • Bank charges and interest on loans including break fees on a fixed loan repayment
  • Body corporate fees and charges;
  • Council rates, electricity, gas, and water charges (unless these are borne by the tenants)
  • Building, contents, and public liability insurance;
  • Some legal expenses and lease document expenses;
  • Depreciation (which relates to the wear and tear associated with the building and the fixtures or fittings in the property)
  • Pest control
  • Repairs
  • Maintenance and service costs
  • Gardening and lawn mowing costs
  • Any fees and commissions paid to property agents and quantity surveyors

RealRenta has all the tools that a property manager has but for less than ¼ the cost of a property manager.

You can now manage your Residential, Commercial or share/student accommodation property

Join now and the cost is less than a cup of coffee a week to manage your rental property.

RealRenta also has a free vision, so why not check it out.

Jason Gwerder
Wednesday, 22 January 2025

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