Once the mortgage on an investment property is paid in full, the property is essentially, generating free money, minus the expenses of running the property.
How do you know when it is appropriate to sell your
investment property, even if it is generating a profit?
We asked some of our most experienced landlords, and these
are their tips:
· Have you stopped caring for the property and are
you ambivalent towards your tenants? Overlooking the properties condition and
potential hazards could open you up to fines and liability.
· Can you get a better rate of return on another
investment? Have you identified an opportunity with superior rental yields?
· Is the capital growth in the properties’ area
stunted or even falling?
· Is it becoming more expensive to insure because
of environmental and demographic factors?
· Have government and tax policies been especially
punitive to your individual circumstance?
If you need advice from a seasoned property
strategist, drop us a line @ propertysales@realrenta.com and we will get our strategist partner Jamie to call you for a no obligation
Need a property loan?
Contact us @ propertyloans@realrenta.com
Jason Gwerder
Saturday, 15 February 2020